eFax Services – How they Really Work?

eFaxing is more popular today than in the past. It replaces the traditional fax machine and connects with your email. Instead of walking to the fax machine, entering the contact details and then inserting a paper in the machine, one can simply send a mail for creating fax. Sounds simple? Yes, you are absolutely right! Let us understand the working of best eFax service.
Traditional fax services use phone lines for sending data whereas eFax is done through online. Rather sending bits of code over the phone line, eFax sends pictures of the document over the net. In order to fax your document online, an online fax provider is needed. Your fax provider will be converting all received and sent faxes into digitized format. For sending a fax over the net, simple use your mail inbox. Create a mail and upload the document as an attachment you want to fax. In the contact field, you need to enter: 0987654321@nameoftheprovider.com. Here, 0987-765-321 is your contact number and nameoftheprovider.com is the virtual fax provider that you have signed up. Next step is feeding the contact into the ‘To’ or ‘Contact’ field and then attach the document that you want to send. Lastly, click the send option. After clicking the send option, within a fraction of a second, your eFax service provider will be receiving the message and convert the attached document into a faxable format. After the attachment gets converted, it is sent to the recipient through a traditional phone connection. On the receiving end, the same above process will take place. The best eFax service will be intercepting all incoming fax messages and then converts them into digital format.
Steps for sending a fax over the Internet
• Create a mail.
• Type your contact’s fax number at your fax provider’s site.
• Attach the documents that you want to fax that mail.
• Click on send option.
• Your online fax service will be receiving the fax, converts in binary format and will be sending it down the phone lines to your recipient.
Steps for receiving fax through the internet
• The sender will be sending a fax through phone lines with the help of a traditional fax machine.
• Your fax service will be receiving the fax with the help of its virtual fax machine servers.
• Your fax service will be converting the fax into the digitized format and will be creating a mail attachment.
• Your service provider will be sending the attached mail to your inbox.
Few Important points to Know about the process for eFaxing
No busy signals – When people trying to send you a fax with the help of traditional faxing system they will be receiving a busy signal when numerous users are faxing that particular number simultaneously. But with best eFax services, this does not happen. The online fax service providers receive incoming faxes on multiple servers, so even if you are receiving a number of faxes exactly at the same time, your fax provider will be distributing those faxes across different servers.
Different acceptable file formats – One of the annoying parts regarding the traditional faxing process is printing off a document, editing and then send it over the fax line. But with internet faxing, you do not have to worry about file types or formats. The best eFax service providers accept various file types including the popular extensions like JPG, Docx, Doc, PDF and many others which removes a lot of hassle during the faxing process.
Internet fax service at home – When you are subscribing to an internet fax service provider, you are thinking that the service will be having a room of fax machines where customers have to wait for faxing. Instead, these providers create virtual fax machines through online servers. There is an inbuilt function for windows users. For accessing that feature you just require a phone line connected to your PC. Plug the phone line to your laptop or PC tower or you can buy an adapter. Run the setup wizard and you are ready to rock.